.. _base-releases-A15: Android 15 Base Releases ######################## .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 CIV_00.24.03.36_A15 ================= * This is a Manifest Release for evaluation and development purpose. This release supports 14th GEN Core [BareMetal]. Intended audience ----------------- * Open Source Community who has subscribed to celadon@lists.linuxfoundation.org * Any user who wants to explore Celadon in BareMetal Customer support ---------------- * subscribe/unsubscribe celadon mailing list using : https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/celadon Introduction ------------ New in this release ------------------- * Android 15 brings in the below major features: * Enhanced large screen support * Multi-device experience * 100 % AIDL HAL compatability * API Level 35 & Target Level 202404 * Head tracking over LE Audio * Android Automotive Power Policy * Android camera feature update * Camera Low Light boost * APFV6 * Support for 802.11 AZ in wifi RTT * Enhancements to Android Virtualization Framework (AVF) * Multi-user & Multi-display * Input method Framework enhancements * Scudo Performance improvements * AutoFDO feature * Audio HAL to AIDL * Bit-perfect audio * Sterio spatialization * AV1 updates * Android codec database [ACD] * Vulkan as GPU HAL * Virtual A/B Version 3 * Deprecation of VNDK * Deprecation of vendor overlay * set adjust compiler filter callback * Full release notes from Google can be found at: https://source.android.com/docs/whatsnew/android-15-release * Celadon features: * AIDL framework updates for HALs * API level upgraded to 35 * FCM Target level upgraded to 202404 * All Celadon HALs upgraded to AIDL versions * Audio core HAL AIDL V1.0 * Audio effects HAL AIDL V2.0 * Camera provider HAL moved to AIDL V1.0 * Graphics composer HAL moved to composer3 AIDL V2.0 * Thermal HAL moved to AIDL V2.0 * Graphics allocator HAL moved to AIDL V2.0 * Boot HAL moved to AIDL V1.0 * WiFi HAL moved to AIDL V2.0 * Identity HAL moved to AIDL V5.0 * security keymint HAL moved to AIDL V3.0 * Sensor HAL moved to AIDL V2.0 * pKVM (Protected KVM) code compatibility available, Celadon won’t support it Known issues ------------ * WIFI : When we try to connect to a network, the connection is going to save state . This issue can be resolved if we connect to a network after entering password , navigate to Advance menu option , select “Static” instead of “dynamic” and re- enter the pre populated information * Video playback have glitches in them. The video skips few seconds or goes very fast for few sec and the same keeps repeating. Where to find the release ------------------------- * Manifest Link : https://github.com/projectceladon/manifest/blob/master/stable-build/CIV_00.24.03.36_A15.xml How to install this release --------------------------- * Steps to sync to this release * repo init -u https://github.com/projectceladon/manifest -b master -m stable-build/CIV_XX.XX.XX.XX_AXX.xml * NOTE : Manifest tag will change according to the latest release * repo sync -c -q -j${nproc} * Android build commands * For Compilation please use Ubuntu 22.04 * source build/envsetup.sh * lunch caas-ap3a-userdebug * make flashfiles -jN * Steps To build the host kernel for this manifest * Download caas-releasefiles-userdebug.tar.gz and put it under ~/civ * cd ~/civ && tar zxvf caas-releasefiles-userdebug.tar.gz * To build Chromium kernel * cd patches/kernel/lts2023-chromium * ./build_weekly.sh * Deb files will be generated in patches/kernel/lts2023-chromium/host_kernel * sudo dpkg -i \*.deb * Update grub to wait indefinitely for kernel selection on boot * sudo vim /etc/default/grub * Comment out GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden #GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden * Uncomment the following line and modify grub timeout to -1 for indefinite wait or 5 for 5secs wait #GRUB_TIMEOUT=-1 * Save the file * sudo update-grub * sudo reboot * Select compiled kernel from "Advanced options for Ubuntu" * Flash and run steps * https://docs.01.org/celadon/getting-started/on-vm.html#use-vm-manager Validation results ------------------ This build has been validated on MTL NUC in the following function domains: ============================= ======= Component Results ============================= ======= Wi-Fi OK BT OK Audio Playback OK ADB OK Boot OK Image Flash OK Web browsing OK Video playback OK USB OK Display OK ============================= ======= ======== Reference configuration ----------------------- * Supported hardware * Product - MTL NUC * Supported software * AOSP Version - android-15.0.0_r1 * Kernel Version - 6.6.41 Acronyms and terms ------------------ * BM - Bare Metal * CIV - Celadon In Virtual Machine Helpful hints / related documents --------------------------------- * If you plan to use Celadon in product, please replace all the test keys under device/intel/build/testkeys/ with your product key. * The release of this project will be signed by test keys, it's only a reference for our customer and we are not responsible for this. Customers should use their own keys to sign their release images * Build Celadon in VM https://projectceladon.github.io/celadon-documentation/getting-started/on-vm.html#build-c-images-running-in-vm * Flash Steps : https://docs.01.org/celadon/getting-started/on-vm.html#use-vm-manager * Linked to Android 15 Google Public document --> https://source.android.com/docs/whatsnew/android-15-release